Junior High Honours Program: 2025-26 Applications

Is your child considering the Elk Island Public Schools (EIPS) Junior High Honours program for the coming school year? The EIPS Junior High Honours program is designed for students in grades 8 and 9 with high achievement in their core courses and who enjoy a challenging academic environment. Students enrolled in Junior High Honours are expected to complete 25 hours of community service in an area of passion and will be automatically enrolled in the “CTF: Enterprise and Innovation” option course.
Students must have a minimum 80 per cent average in each of the four core subjects to be eligible to apply to the Junior High Honours program. Students who apply to the program will receive conditional acceptance based on their marks as of Jan. 30, 2025. Students must maintain their honours standing on the year-end report card in June to receive final acceptance in the Honours program for the upcoming year.
Applications for the 2025-26 Junior High Honours program will open on Jan. 13, 2025. Details about the application process and deadline will be shared with all current grades 7 and 8 families when it’s available.
To learn more about the EIPS Junior High Honours program, contact the school or plan to attend the upcoming virtual Junior High Honours Information Session.
Wednesday, November 27
6:30 p.m.
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