New Student Registration Information (for students not currently attending an EIPS school)

Are you a New Family interested in having your child attend SCA Secondary School?
We are so excited! Please see below for next steps!
Please note: The returning student registration window will open on February 10th and close on February 24th. The returning student registration (RSR) process is for students who are currently attending an Elk Island Public School. Please follow the instructions from EIPS regarding the RSR process or contact your current school if you have any questions.
Step 1: NEW Students, register online HERE.
Step 2: All NEW Students must complete the Intake Form.
Step 3: Await email reply (this may take up to 2 business days). Once the school registrar confirms there is available space in your child(ren)’s grade, families will receive information on, and must attend, a new student orientation. The purpose of this orientation is to ensure understanding of our school’s philosophy and Christian programming as well as review the course selection process and a school tour.
Thank you for your interest in our school!
Questions? Please email our School Registrar: